Before you register, please read through these tips to make the process as efficient as possible.
Prior to Registering
Confirm your player resides or attends school within our league's boundaries.
Click here to learn more about the eligibility requirements and boundaries for Mukilteo Little League.
Determine your player's League Age.
Your child's "League Age" may not be his or her current chronological age. Click here to learn more about League Age.
Gather your player's required information.
Information you will need to provide includes:
- Birth date
- Doctor's name and phone number
- Insurance company and policy number
- Date of last tetanus shot
- Emergency contact name and phone number
If you are requesting a Player Scholarship:
Click here to learn more about our Player Scholarship program and complete the online scholarship application.
Create your Member Account and register your player.
All families new to Mukilteo Little League in 2025 will need to create a new Sports Connect account in order to register, even if you have already created a Stack Sports account for another local youth sports organization.
You will create one Member Account per family which you will use to register every player in your family. You will have the opportunity to register additional players after you have fully completed the first player's registration. Payment must be made in full by credit or debit card and/or a scholarship code during the registration process. Mukilteo Little League uses a third-party registration system and does not maintain credit card information.
Note: During the online registration process, you have the opportunity to upload documents to prove residency and your child's age. You DO NOT need to upload such documents during registration, but may be asked to provide them at a later date.
After Registration
Age Verification.
Players new to Mukilteo Little League or who have not yet been age-verified will be asked to provide a certified copy of a state-issued birth certificate to verify age. You may email a copy to the Registrar at [email protected] or bring it to assessments/tryouts or Team Photo Day. If you have already provided proof of age in past years, you do not need to provide it again unless your child plays All Stars.
Proof of Residency.
You may be asked to provide proof of residency within our league's boundaries. Residency is established by documents from three or more of the categories to determine residency of a player's parent(s) or guardian. Click here for the list of documents: Residence Eligibility Documents
Players returning to Mukilteo Little League do not need to re-submit residency verification if no information has changed since last season, although the league may ask for such documents if there is reason to believe you have moved or your child no longer attends a Mukilteo school.
Medical Waivers
Parents/guardians will need to annually sign a Medical Release Form and provide it to the team manager.
Registration Policies
Click here for details on Mukilteo Little League's registration and refund policies: Registration Policies
And that's it! Welcome to the 2025 Spring season!
Keep an eye on your e-mail inbox for frequent correspondence from the league regarding tryouts, start dates, and other important information. Contact us at any time via the Contact page of our website or by e-mailing [email protected].