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Majors Baseball

The Major league division is a competitive level that continues to stress fundamental baseball and introduce more advance baseball techniques and strategies. Players will continue to have fun building life-time memories with other teammates. At this level, players will remain on the same team once drafted. Major league is open to boys and girls. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have further questions or if issues arise during the season.  

Age Group

  • League Age 11 and 12 year olds (as of August 31, 2025)
  • Some highly skilled 10 year olds may be able to play at this level if they perform well enough during assessments
  • Click here for the 2025 Baseball Age Chart

Majors: What to Expect

  • Hitting: Players will be hitting off of a player for all 6 innings
  • Ball: Hard ball
  • Field Size: The field size is 60-foot base path and pitching is at 46 feet 
  • Competition: Regular season games, inter-league games (depending on how many teams MLL has), a post-season tournament, and All-Stars

 Registering for Minors vs. Majors

If your child is age 10 or 11, you may register him for Minors or Majors, unless your child is 12 years old. All 12-year olds must register and play in the Majors division. If your child is chosen for a division that is different from the one in which you registered, then you will either be refunded the difference (e.g., if you registered for Majors and he is drafted to a Minors team) or asked to pay the difference (e.g., if you registered for Minors and he is drafted to a Majors team). If you want your child to be considered for Majors, you should register him/her for Majors or let the league know by emailing [email protected]. Per local rules, players who do not attend the Majors assessments/tryouts and are not seen by the Majors coaches will not be eligible for the Majors draft.

What should we do if we think our 12-year-old is not ready to play in the Majors division? We feel he is better suited to the Minors division. May he play in the Minors division even though he is league age 12?

Exceptions can only be made with written approval from the district administrator, and only if approved at the local league level by the board of directors and the parent of the candidate. The child must pose a safety risk to himself/herself and teammates to qualify. If your child has never played baseball or softball before, it might be best to speak with the Player Agent prior to registering.

Practices & Games


This year, practices for Majors will begin starting March 7th and are held at various schools in our area. The frequency of practices is determined by each manager.

Regular Season Games

Regular season games for the Majors division begin on March 23rd and end in early June. Majors teams usually play 18+ games.

In-House Tournaments

Once the regular season is over, the league's in-house tournament for Majors will take place in mid to late-May. 

What are the "Invitational Tournaments" and what is the "Tournament of Champions?"

These Major league level tournaments and invitational tournaments are district-wide tournaments where one or more teams from each of the 16 leagues within District One are invited to compete. The "TOC" or "Tournament of Champions" is a tournament in which the first place teams from all of the leagues within the district compete. The TOC and the invitational tournaments are typically held after regular season games are over and before All-star games begin.

How much playing time do players get in the Minors division vs. the Majors division?

Every player on a team roster will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time. The Minors division is considered an instructional level and coaches try to give equal playing time. The Majors division is considered a more competitive level and playing time may not be equal, but all players will participate for at least the minimum amount required.

Team Formation

Players are placed on teams by the Player Agent with Assessment scores, input from coaches and parent requests on the registration form.  Requests are considered but accommodation cannot be guaranteed. Every child who tries out is drafted onto a team. The Player Agent will attempt to maintain balanced teams and stimulating games, while adhering to the "team first" philosophy noted below.

In 2019, Mukilteo Little League moved away from a coaches draft team formation process to a "team first" philosophy where keeping teams and families together is a priority.  This is called a Vested Redraft Plan. There are no Buddy Requests, and it is assumed that players will stay with their team, to the extent possible, as they move through the Mukilteo Little League divisions. However, parents may request to NOT be on the same team as the prior year by noting such on the registration form. Additionally, teams may be split up if, for example, a team manager is moving to an upper division but not all players are eligible to progress to that level.  The players remaining in the lower division will be assigned to a new team.


Assessments serve two purposes: (1) it is a skills and safety assessment so the coaches can ensure that kids are placed in the correct divisions; and (2) scores are used during the draft for selection of players by the coaches.

During the Assessments, each candidate will be given the opportunity to: (1) hit/bunt, (2) field fly balls, (3) field ground balls, (4) throw, and (5) run around the bases. Assessments will be conducted in the presence of head coaches and some assistant coaches from the division for which the candidate is registered, who shall observe the ability of each candidate.

All player candidates (ages 9 through 12) must attend one session. 2024 Assessments will be conducted the weekend of February 22nd/23rd at Harbour Pointe Middle School. Click here to sign up for a time slot:  2025 Majors/Minor Baseball Assessments — Signup Sheet | Assessments/tryouts may be held even if it rains or snows. Dress for the weather. If there is lightning, then the sessions will be rescheduled.

We recommend that players bring their baseball glove, bat, helmet, jacket or sweatshirt. A bat and helmet may also be borrowed if the player does not own these items.

Player Notification

Majors players should hear from a team manager on or shortly after March 6th, which is when Majors teams will be announced. If you have not heard from a team manager by the designated date, please contact the Registrar at [email protected].


It is recommended that all players should have a baseball glove, baseball shoes (rubber cleats), and a protective cup. Many players prefer to use their own baseball bat and helmet, although the league has extras available that the players may also use. Many players also like to have an equipment bag to carry their belongings, but this is not required. 

All players will need to purchase their own baseball pants, socks and belt, which are typically color-coordinated with the team jersey color. (See your team's head coach for specific colors, styles, etc.) The league will provide a jersey and hat for all players.  We generally buy the exact amount of hats needed for the kids and coaches. If your son loses his hat, your head coach may have extras. If not, we can give you the vendor information so you may purchase a replacement if you wish.

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