Players are placed on teams by the Player Agent with Assessment scores, input from coaches and parent requests on the registration form. Requests are considered but accommodation cannot be guaranteed. Every child who tries out is drafted onto a team. The Player Agent will attempt to maintain balanced teams and stimulating games, while adhering to the "team first" philosophy noted below.
In 2019, Mukilteo Little League moved away from a coaches draft team formation process to a "team first" philosophy where keeping teams and families together is a priority. This is called a Vested Redraft Plan. There are no Buddy Requests, and it is assumed that players will stay with their team, to the extent possible, as they move through the Mukilteo Little League divisions. However, parents may request to NOT be on the same team as the prior year by noting such on the registration form. Additionally, teams may be split up if, for example, a team manager is moving to an upper division but not all players are eligible to progress to that level. The players remaining in the lower division will be assigned to a new team.